Pregnant mother giving birth after 35 years old - revealing the "secret" of giving birth to a healthy and beautiful baby na Giving birth is the most wonderful, sacred and happiest thing for all women. Health experts said that pregnant women giving birth after the age of 35-40 always have potential risks for both mother and baby. However, there are pregnant women who are U40 who are still pregnant and give birth to healthy, picturesque babies.
Late childbirth, potential risks?
Pregnancy when the mother is older also increases the risk in the fetus and the mother's health
Associations of obstetrics and gynecology around the world affirm that the best age for women to have children is between 20 and under 35 years old.
In our country, the age at marriage tends to increase more, this is one of the reasons why the high reproductive age of women in our country has become so popular.
MSc Nguyen Thi Hien - Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology, MEDLATEC General Hospital said, the most fertile age is about 20-24 years old. Then the ability to conceive decreases gradually over the years, in which the milestone is from the age of 35 onwards begins to decrease. Especially, when turning 45, very few women can conceive naturally. Therefore, women should get pregnant at the best age of 20-35.
In addition to having a difficult pregnancy, women who give birth late also face many risks to the health of mother and baby. Complications in pregnancy are common such as gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, miscarriage, premature birth, preeclampsia, stillbirth...
Pregnancy when the mother is older also increases the risk of neurodevelopmental and motor retardation, especially the higher the ability of the chromosomes in the egg to stick together, leading to diseases related to chromosomal disorders for the mother. fetus like Down syndrome...
What should pregnant women do to give birth to a healthy baby after the age of 35?
According to Dr. Hien, in order to prepare for a healthy pregnancy, a woman needs to go to a prenatal health check, supplement with vitamins and folic acid. Pregnant women need to follow a full schedule of examinations throughout pregnancy according to the milestones under the guidance of the doctor, as well as do tests to monitor their health. In particular, pregnant mothers should pay attention to testing for early detection of birth defects or other genetic disorders while the baby is still in the womb.
Married at the age of 35, fortunately a year later, N. P. A and her husband, in Hanoi, welcomed their first healthy, picturesque princess with the most beautiful features from her father and mother. Her and her husband's house is now filled with children's laughter and babbling.
It is true that "one daughter, looking after her eyes", with a small, neat body, lovely face, few people think that she is 37 years old.
Living happily in a high-class apartment in Hanoi, with full amenities, when asked why they got married late, she froze and shared: "My family has 2 sisters, an unfortunate younger brother. was born with Down syndrome. Not only is it a burden on the family and economy, but I also have no future. Seeing me at such a disadvantage, I don't want to get married and have children."
Before getting married, she had an important position in a leading financial company, and was endowed with baby beauty, causing many colleagues to have to "gas" because she was younger than her age and had a successful career. .
Having a career and promotion opportunities in hand, but she is still indifferent to marriage, Ms. P. A continued: “Looking at my brother with Down syndrome, even though he is more than 20 years old, he still looks like an innocent child, Not taking care of themselves every day, but always needing help from relatives. It was this psychological burden that I had never thought about getting married and having children, but was urged by my family and looked at my friends around, who were all "peaceful in their homes", then I seriously thought about it and decided. get married".
Looking at the baby angel sleeping soundly in her arms, P.A happily said: "I feel very fortunate that even though I got married late, I had a baby right away. Honestly, for me, there is nothing more desirable than giving birth to a healthy "thief".
So what is the secret to her peace of mind to have a baby at the age of 35, Ms. PA said, as a person who cares about health, in addition to keeping healthy, eating, and having a full antenatal check-up, she chooses NIPT test for pregnancy screening. She considers this a wise, financially effective choice that also ensures the safety of childbirth for pregnant women, especially pregnant women when they are older.
NIPT Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening - A solution to give birth to a healthy baby for pregnant women
Performing NIPT test for safe pregnancy millions of pregnant women around the world and Vietnamese pregnant women trust to choose
According to the recommendation No. 1807/QD-BYT of the Ministry of Health: The gestational week to perform NIPT test should be ≥ 10 weeks after the pregnancy ultrasound result and be consulted by a genetic counselor for appropriate indications. . This test can replace the PAPP-A and free beta hCG tests or supplement the above tests as the case may be.
The NIPT test is easy to perform, safe for mother and fetus, and is non-invasive because the mother's blood is taken to analyze the free fetal DNA circulating in the mother's blood. Just one blood test can detect 23 pairs of chromosomes at the same time, the risk of chromosomal abnormalities, while the Double test and Triple test only screen for 3 common chromosome pairs, 21, 18 , 13. The test accuracy is up to 99.9% and the results are returned soon.
This test is often indicated in cases of suspected chromosomal abnormalities such as older mothers, abnormal ultrasound; In particular, for those who have given birth to their first child with Down syndrome, or with chromosomal abnormalities, this pregnancy, NIPT test is the best solution to screen for such abnormalities or abnormalities as early as possible.
With outstanding advantages compared to current screening methods for birth defects, the NIPT test is the first choice of pregnant women in the world today.
medical test