Building a scientific diet for people with osteoarthritis?

 Improper eating can make osteoarthritis worse. So, how should the diet for people with osteoarthritis be set up to reduce pain and symptoms of the disease? Through the article below, i will help you learn about foods that are both good for joints and improve health.

1. Principles of setting up a diet for people with osteoarthritis

Before designing a safe diet for yourself, people with osteoarthritis should master the following principles:

Maintain a normal weight:

The knee joint bears the full weight of the upper body. Therefore, obese people who have a lot of weight will put a lot of pressure on the knee joint. To prevent the disease from getting worse, you should maintain your weight in a normal range.

To prevent osteoarthritis from getting worse, you should maintain your weight in a normal range
To prevent osteoarthritis from getting worse, you should maintain your weight in a normal range

Therefore, people with osteoarthritis should establish a diet that is both good for bones and joints and balances body mass.

Reduce inflammation in joints:

Inflammation creates free radicals that cause joint damage. Therefore, you should eat more foods that are anti-inflammatory and rich in antioxidants to protect joints. Some foods that help improve the symptoms of the disease are: omega 3, omega 6, green vegetables and fresh fruits rich in vitamins A, C, E, etc.

These foods can destroy the free radicals that damage the knee joint. At the same time, vitamin C is also an essential substance involved in the development of joint cartilage.

Increase the amount of joint fluid

Joint fluid is mainly composed of hyaluronic acid - a substance that has a lubricating effect, reducing friction between the two ends of the bones. For people with osteoarthritis, the amount of this substance will be less, making joint movements difficult and less flexible. At the same time, when the patient moves the joint, the joint cartilage will be worn away due to the friction force.

Therefore, you should add to your meal foods rich in essential oils for joints such as okra, spinach, etc.

2. Diet for people with osteoarthritis

Here are a few suggestions on foods for people with osteoarthritis that you should refer to to build a diet for people with osteoarthritis. The food groups that people with osteoarthritis should eat are:

Anti-inflammatory food group:

High levels of C-reactive protein and Interleukin-6 lead to inflammation. This causes the patient to suffer a lot of pain in the joints. Therefore, to reduce the levels of these two substances in people with osteoarthritis should add to their daily meals some fish rich in Omega-3 acids such as herring, sardines, tuna, etc.

Omega-3 acids have the effect of reducing inflammation, effectively reducing pain. Besides, this fatty acid also helps to protect joint cartilage against the destruction of disease.

However, all fish species contain a certain amount of mercury. Therefore, the patient can damage the nervous system if ingesting too much of this substance.

At the same time, you can choose plant-based foods that contain high levels of Omega-3 such as walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds. In particular, fish oil is an Omega-3 supplement that is good for the health of patients.

Người bị thoái hóa khớp nên ăn các thực phẩm giàu acid Omega-3 để giảm viêm nhiễm, giảm đau hiệu quả
People with osteoarthritis should eat foods rich in Omega-3 acids to reduce inflammation and effectively reduce pain

Food groups to prevent degeneration:

In patients with the disease, the degenerative process in the joints takes place very quickly. Therefore, you should add foods rich in antioxidants to slow down this process and strengthen the immune system. Fresh fruits such as tomatoes, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, etc. all contain high levels of antioxidants.

At the same time, you can also choose products from soybeans, red grapes, or fresh black grapes to provide antioxidants for each daily meal. In particular, vitamins A, C, and K are all powerful antioxidants found in dark green vegetables and some brightly colored fruits and vegetables such as carrots, papaya, oranges, etc.

Các loại quả tươi như: cà chua, mâm xôi, dâu tây, việt quất,… đều chứa hàm lượng chất chống oxy hóa cao
Fresh fruits such as tomatoes, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, etc. all contain high levels of antioxidants

Foods rich in calcium:

To strengthen bones and joints, patients should supplement calcium-rich foods. Milk and dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, etc. are often rich in calcium. Therefore, patients should choose low-sugar, low-fat milk to maintain a normal weight. Besides, you can also use more bone broths that contain a lot of collagen to help increase the elasticity of joint cartilage.

In addition, you can supplement calcium with seafood such as shrimp, crab, fish, ...

For stronger bones and joints, you should use milk and dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, etc.
For stronger bones and joints, you should use milk and dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, etc.

Protein-rich foods:

Protein is a nutrient involved in muscle growth. To avoid muscle atrophy when joints degenerate, it is essential to supplement with protein-rich foods. Although red meat is high in protein, it contains too much saturated fat, which increases inflammation.

Therefore, you should only use low-fat meats such as chicken breast or plant-based foods such as beans and nuts.

Kinds of spice:

Ginger, garlic, and turmeric are spices that have a very good antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, to reduce inflammation, patients should use them in dishes. This not only makes the food taste better, but it is also good for bone health.

To reduce inflammation, people with osteoarthritis should use turmeric in their dishes
To reduce inflammation, people with osteoarthritis should use turmeric in their dishes

After reading the article, you already know the principles of building a diet for people with osteoarthritis. From the foods that we have just shared, you can design your own scientific and healthy meals. Besides a reasonable diet, you should exercise regularly with gentle exercises to strengthen bone and joint health.

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