Suggest some foods that are bad for the heart

 Most of the diseases related to the heart have a great impact on the patient's health. Meanwhile, consuming too many foods that are harmful to the heart will contribute to an increased risk of disease. Therefore, in addition to adding beneficial nutrients, you also need to limit the use of foods that are not good for the heart.

1. Foods that are bad for the heart

According to doctors, cardiovascular diseases often have a very high risk of death. In particular, these diseases can arise due to a number of health problems such as too high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, stress,... Therefore, in addition to building a regimen For healthy living, people should limit the use of some foods that are harmful to the heart to reduce the risk of disease.

Some foods are bad for the heart
Some foods are bad for the heart

So what foods are considered bad for heart health? To help readers easily prevent disease, here are some of the most specific suggestions:

1.1. Fast food

Most fast foods are often prepared with high-fat fried recipes, so the saturated fat content is often very high. In particular, if carbohydrates combine with animal fats, it will greatly affect heart health. Some restaurants tend to choose poor quality ingredients such as fried oil over and over again, food that is not fresh, etc., which affects the health of consumers even more.

1.2. Smoked Bacon

According to nutritionists, bacon is quite high in calories, and saturated fat makes up more than half of the calories of this dish. Therefore, when eating a lot of bacon can increase bad cholesterol as well as increase the risk of stroke or heart attack. In addition, when processing this type of food, you need to use a lot of salt, so when you eat too much or regularly, your blood pressure will increase and your heart will have to work harder.

1.3. Red or processed meats

Eating too much red meat such as pork, beef, lamb, etc. will increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases or diabetes. Because these animals contain a large amount of saturated fat, it is easy to increase the bad cholesterol index. Therefore, in the diet, people should not use a lot of red meat.

Limit eating red meat to prevent disease
Limit eating red meat to prevent disease

In addition, you should limit or abstain from foods made from processed meat, such as canned meat, sausages, etc., which are also harmful foods for the heart. Because the salt and animal fat content is quite high in processed meats, it will adversely affect the health of consumers if eaten in excess.

1.4. Fat, salt and sugar

According to some studies, the excessive use of spices such as sugar, salt, and saturated fat combined with refined carbs will increase the body's risk of stroke and heart attack. Therefore, to prevent cardiovascular diseases, people should limit the abuse of these spices in food processing. In addition, you can also add some healthy vegetables and fruits, such as lean protein, whole grains, low-fat milk, ...

1.5. Soft drinks and wine

The main ingredient in soft drinks is sugar, so regularly drinking soft drinks makes the sugar content available to the body exceed the allowable limit. In addition, subjects who drink a lot of soda and soft drinks are often very likely to gain weight with a high risk of obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes (type 2) and heart health problems.

Besides, patients with high blood pressure or high levels of triglycerides in the blood should also abstain from alcohol. Because they will adversely affect the function of the heart as well as increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Even healthy people can still gain weight, high blood pressure, stroke or heart failure if they drink too much alcohol.

1.6. Butter and candy

The main ingredient in candies is sugar. Meanwhile, regularly eating candy or a diet that uses too much sugar will make you more likely to become obese, increase cholesterol levels. Besides, when the body absorbs a lot of sugar, it can increase inflammation, diabetes and other heart-related diseases.

Butter and candy are foods that are not good for the heart
Butter and candy are foods that are not good for the heart

Another food that is harmful to the heart is avocado, because it contains a lot of animal fat, so when absorbed into the body, it will increase the bad cholesterol index. Therefore, using too much avocado in the diet will put you at risk of cardiovascular diseases. According to the doctor, when preparing food, you can replace butter with another heart-healthy ingredient such as vegetable oil, olive oil.

1.7. Fried chicken and fries

Fried chicken is one of the foods that are high in calories and high in sodium and fat. Meanwhile, the high consumption of fried foods will increase the risk of obesity as well as diseases such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and heart failure. Therefore, doctors often encourage people to choose skinless chicken and change the cooking method from frying to grilling for better health.

Salt and fat are two ingredients that are found in many French fries and are also a type of food that is not good for the heart. In addition, a number of studies have demonstrated that subjects who regularly eat French fries (2-3 times a week) have an increased risk of premature death. To protect health, you can cook potatoes in the oven combined with olive oil.

2. Foods that are good for the heart

In addition to encouraging people to limit the use of foods that are harmful to the heart, doctors also suggest a few more healthy foods. Specifically like:

Fruits and vegetables: this is one of the food sources that provide many minerals and vitamins for the body. Besides, these two foods often contain a lot of fiber but very few calories, so they can help prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Add more fruits and vegetables to your body
Add more fruits and vegetables to your body

Whole grains: often contain a lot of beneficial fiber as well as quite high nutritional content. Therefore, whole grains are a very good food for heart health and blood pressure regulation.

Choose low-fat protein sources: such as fish, poultry, lean meat or foods prepared with low-fat protein sources such as eggs, low-fat milk, etc. Also, walnuts, flaxseeds, etc. Canola and soybean oils are also good sources of protein with very little fat.

Reduce the amount of salt in food: Salt is one of the foods that cause high blood pressure and easily lead to cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, people should reduce the salt content of their diet to prevent disease.

Above are the doctor's share about some foods that are harmful to the heart that should be noted and limited to use to protect health. In addition, you should also refer to a few foods that are good for the heart to reduce the risk of heart diseases.

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