The increasingly developed society leads to changes in living and working conditions, which easily causes people to feel tired. Although the symptoms are not serious, do not be too subjective because this can be the beginning of some disease. For readers to understand better, in the article below i will reveal the cause of this condition.
1. What is fatigue?
Fatigue is a common expression in daily life, causing the body to feel sluggish, exhausted, not having the spirit to study and work.
Most of us have experienced fatigue at some point, which can be caused by insomnia, not getting enough sleep, eating poorly, working too hard, or catching the flu.
However, the constant feeling of fatigue causes the body to lose energy, affecting your daily life.
Prolonged fatigue may be due to lifestyle habits, psychological factors, or more seriously, a symptom of a medical condition that you did not expect.
2. Causes of Fatigue
When the body's immune system has to fight disease, it consumes a lot of energy. That's why symptoms as mild as the flu to dangerous as cancer can make people feel tired.
Many people often underestimate the feeling of fatigue in the body, thinking that it will go away when the body is rested, or suppressing this feeling by using coffee or tea. However, the result is that this feeling persists. To treat this condition, understanding the cause is very important. Here are some causes of fatigue.
Due to anemia
When a patient has anemia, the metabolism and oxygen supply to the cells are reduced, making the body always feel tired, dizzy, sluggish, exhausted and lack of energy to work, study. practice. In addition, anemia can cause you to have a feeling of restless sleep, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, ringing in the ears, hair loss, cold hands and feet, irregular heartbeat.
You need nutritious foods containing iron, a balanced diet to reduce the risk of anemia.
Due to diabetes
People with diabetes have high blood glucose levels. Diabetes causes fatigue, increased thirst, frequent urination, hunger, weight loss, irritability, and impaired vision. In which fatigue is the first and longest symptom.
Due to thyroid disease
The thyroid gland works by producing hormones called thyroxine, which help regulate energy levels and control metabolism. When the thyroid hormones are not working effectively, causing the metabolism to be disturbed, it will make your body feel tired.
Due to adrenal insufficiency
Adrenal insufficiency is less common than thyroid disease, but it can also cause fatigue. This is a condition when the adrenal glands are not working properly. In addition to fatigue, adrenal insufficiency can also cause weight loss, headaches, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and hyperpigmentation.
Due to depression
Depression is a disease of mood disorders, causing feelings of sadness, fatigue, loss of interest for a long time, changing living habits and causing the patient to have negative thoughts, even thoughts of depression. death.
Fatigue in depressed patients will last continuously, if not detected in time, the disease is very dangerous and can cause other serious consequences.
Chronic fatigue syndrome
As the name suggests, fatigue syndrome is a form of disease that causes long-lasting fatigue of various degrees, patients often feel sluggish. The condition did not improve even though the patient had a period of rest.
Due to lack of vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 plays an important role in brain health, metabolism, and the immune system. Factors leading to vitamin B12 deficiency can be due to diabetes medications, old age, digestion, and a plant-based diet.
Lack of vitamin B12 makes the body's organs work ineffectively, making the body fall into a state of fatigue and moodiness. If you find that your body is tired for a long time, accompanied by other symptoms such as itchy hands and feet, dizziness, memory loss, impaired vision, you may be deficient in vitamin B12 and need to seek medical attention. To test.
Due to sleep apnea
This is a type of sleep disorder, causing the patient to have a deep, restless sleep. When you wake up, there may be a feeling of fatigue because the brain is awakened to perform the breathing process. Sleep apnea is manifested by snoring and can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease and, worse, stroke.